
We are very excited to know that you want to grow in your spiritual life by connecting with our various ministries at City Harvest AG Church.

Kids' Church

Our Kids Church is a place where kids experience God’s love through worship and word. We love partnering with parents to help kids from Age 3 to 12 to  grow in their walk with God and develop a lasting relationship with him. Kid’s Church meets every Sunday during our Sunday Worship Services.

SPECIAL Kids' Church

Special Sunday School for Kids with Autism

Sunday Morning 9:30 am

Teens' Church

Ages 13-19

Sunday Morning 10 am

A biblical understanding of a teen’s challenges today with a word-based study and practical application for Teens.

Young Adults

Ages 20+

Meeting: 1st & 4th Sundays @1 pm over lunch.

Venue: City Harvest AG Church

Call: +91 97398 66770.

Couples' Fellowship

Every 4th Saturday @5 pm

Build stronger couples which inturn will build stronger families.

Our mission is to equip married and engaged couples with the abilities to study and learn God’s word, apply it to daily living, and to be accountable to one another through fellowship.

Men's Fellowship

Every 3rd Saturday @5 pm

Our main goal is to equip men in applying the biblical principles in their daily life, hence, making a positive impact in the family and society.

Women's Fellowship

3rd Saturday’s @5 pm

As a Christ centered church, it is our vision to nurture women for the glory of the Lord and build them up in their gifts.

Care Cell

Contact: +91 97398 66770

We believe that connecting others than the Sunday Worship is a vital part of City Harvest AG Church and our Christian life. Care Cells are small groups that meet at homes where we study God’s word, have fellowship in small groups, and create community among the City Harvest members.